News del 13.02.2024 -
17 APRIL 2024
“The 2024 cruise season kicks off at the port of Taranto”
News del 13.02.2024 -
06 MARCH 2024
Taranto port workers, a Memorandum of Understanding between Apulia Region and the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea to be signed today in Taranto
News del 13.02.2024 -
13 FEBRUARY 2024
Memorandum of Understanding between the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea and the Juvenile Social Service Office (USSM) of Taranto
News del 12.05.2023 - Il porto di Taranto a Monaco di Baviera per la Transport Logistic 2023
12 May 2023
The Port of Taranto in Munich for Transport Logistic 2023
The Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea (AdSPMI) took part in the 2023 edition of Transport Logistic, a trade fair held at the Messe Munchen exhibition centre in Munich.
News del 09.05.2023 - Lo scalo di Celebrity Constellation inaugura la stagione crocieristica 2023 del porto di Taranto
9 MAY 2023
The ‘Celebrity Constellation’ kicks off the 2023 cruise season in the Port of Taranto
Today, the Port of Taranto welcomed the first call of the 2023 cruise season, the majestic Celebrity Constellation, part of the fleet of the US company Celebrity Cruises, which is controlled by the Royal Caribbean group
Evento plenario dedicato al redigendo Piano Operativo Triennale (POT) 2023-2025 dell'AdSP del Mar Ionio
07 APRIL 2023
Approval of the new THREE-YEAR OPERATIONAL PLAN 2023-2025
The new Three-Year Operational Plan (POT) 2023-2025 of the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea (AdSPMI) was approved by the Management Committee with Resolution No. 04/2023 of 6 April 2023.
Plenary event dedicated to the drafting of the Three-Year Operational Plan (POT) 2023-2025 of the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea
22 MARCH 2023
Plenary event dedicated to the drafting of the Three-Year Operational Plan (POT) 2023-2025 of the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea
The plenary event dedicated to the drafting of the Three-Year Operational Plan (POT) 2023-2025 of the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea (AdSPMI), to be adopted by next April, was held this morning.
Presentazione evento Italian Cruise Day 2023 e calendario Cruise Season 2023.
20 JANUARY 2023
Presentation of Italian Cruise Day 2023 event and Cruise Season 2023 calendar
This morning, in the Hall of Mirrors of Taranto Municipality, the press conference to present the Italian Cruise Day 2023, was held. This event has a significant importance in the Italian cruise industry that, on 27t October 2023, will see Taranto port city as hosting location of the initiative. In fact, hundreds of the best players in the cruise sector will have the opportunity to discover and admire the rich cultural and tourist heritage of “Taranto destination”, already recognised Destination of the Year in 2022.
“Elettrificazione delle banchine (Cold Ironing)”: Pubblicato il bando di gara per la progettazione di fattibilità tecnico-economica e del coordinamento per la sicurezza in fase di progettazione per la
04 JULY 2022
“Dock electrification (Cold Ironing)": A call for tender for the design of three cold ironing systems at the AdSP of the Ionian Sea - Port of Taranto (AdSPMI) public/concession docks was published last Friday, 1 July.
Blue Economy Start Up AWARD 2022": the "FAROS" project awarded in Gaeta within the first Summit Blue Forum Italia Network
21 JUNE 2022
Blue Economy Start Up AWARD 2022":il progetto FAROS premiato a Gaeta nell’ambito del 1° Summit Blue Forum Italia Network
The 1st Summit Blue Forum Italia Network: ''Dalla Crescita blu a un'economia del Mare sostenibile'' (17-18-19 June 2022) was concluded last Saturday June 18th in Gaeta which hosted the international kermesse gathering the leading representatives from the Italian Government and the national and European institutional and associative bodies, together with civil and military Authorities, entrepreneurships and international players active in the field of Maritime Economy..
Entra nel vivo la stagione estiva nel porto di Taranto con un nuovo doppio scalo crocieristico
08 JUNE 2022
The summer season in the port of Taranto gets off to a brillant start with a new double cruise call
A very special day for the port of Taranto: once again a double call with two cruise ships berthing at the same time today.The ship Aegean Odyssey, coming from Kotor (Montenegro) and on its way to Catania, entered the port of Taranto for its maiden call early this morning.
Cruise traffic in the Port of Taranto keeps growing thanks to the double call of Celebrity Constellation and MSC Splendida
11 MAGGIO 2022
Cruise traffic in the Port of Taranto keeps growing thanks to the double call of Celebrity Constellation and MSC Splendida
For the first time ever, at 9 o’ clock, Taranto port-city welcomes the majestic Celebrity Constellation in the Mar Grande with festive water works staged by tugboats. The motor vessel Celebrity Constellation belongs to the fleet of the luxury cruise line Celebrity Cruises, a brand controlled by the cruise industry leading group Royal Caribbean Group.
The Port of Taranto welcomes the first offshore wind farm in the Mediterranean Sea
22 APRIL 2022
The Port of Taranto welcomes the first offshore wind farm in the Mediterranean Sea
Yesterday morning the San Cataldo Container Terminal of the Port of Taranto hosted the opening ceremony for the first offshore wind farm in Italy and in the Mediterranean Sea: “Beleolico”, developed by Renexia, a company of the Toto Group. The event was attended by the General Manager of the Toto Group, Riccardo Toto, by high-ranking institutional, civil and religious representatives - both local and national - by the Chinese Ambassador to Italy, Li Junhua and the Economic Advisor of the Dutch Embassy, Agnes Agterberg.
The port network authority of the Ionia sea attends the Fruit Logistica trade fair (Berlin, 5-7 aprile 2022)
06 APRIL 2022
The port network authority of the Ionia sea attends the Fruit Logistica trade fair (Berlin, 5-7 aprile 2022)
The Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea attended the Fruit Logistica trade show (Berlin, 5-7 April 2022), a prestigious event dedicated to the fruit and vegetable market which brings together the most important international players.
2022 Cruise Season: The MSC SPLENDIDA enchants Taranto
06 APRIL 2022
2022 Cruise Season: The MSC SPLENDIDA enchants Taranto
There has been a second cruise landing at the port of Taranto which today welcomed the majestic MSC Splendida, an environmentally friendly ship belonging to the prestigious international cruise line MSC Crociere which, will sail the gulf of Taranto every Wednesday until 9 November, the last of its 32 calls in the Port of Taranto’s 2022 calendar.
OPEN PORT, The Port of Taranto’s virtual Port Center is online!
04 APRIL 2022
OPEN PORT, The Port of Taranto’s virtual Port Center is online!
Open Port - - opens the Port of Taranto to its digital community by unveiling its virtual Port Center and inviting voyagers on an unprecedented journey of discovery. Discovering not only content and information, but also immersive educational experiences united by a common goal: to bring the Port of Taranto closer to the city and the national and international port city communities, with a view to encouraging transnational cultural exchange and creating a new way of experiencing the port’s heritage.
The ‘Artania’ inaugurates the 2022 cruise season in the Port of Taranto.
27 MARCH 2022
The ‘Artania’ inaugurates the 2022 cruise season in the Port of Taranto.
Today, 27 March, the port-city of Taranto welcomed the luxurious cruise-ship Artania, belonging to the fleet of the German company Phoenix Reisen. The ship, arriving from Syracuse, called the Port of Taranto at noon greeted by the festive water salute by the tugs.
MedCruise & AIVP: Cruises & Port Cities - Working Group
10 DICEMBRE 2021
CDP Venture Capital: Faros, the accelerator for startups operating in the Blue Economy, is launched.
The accelerator will select the best startups in the field of logistics and port automation, the sustainable use of marine resources and coastal tourism
From today until 15 February 2022 you can apply at for your startup to take part in the first acceleration cycle which will begin in March 2022
MedCruise & AIVP: Cruises & Port Cities - Working Group
06 DECEMBER 2021
MedCruise & AIVP: Cruises & Port Cities - Working Group
PORT OF TARANTO, 6 DECEMBER 2021 - The Port Network Authority (AdSP) of the Ionian Sea - Port of Taranto is among the 25 international members of the joint Working Group created by the AIVP - Association International Villes et Ports and MedCruise - The Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports - with whom the Authority has been associated since 2020 and 2014 respectively.
Italian Cruise Day 2021: Grandi risultati per la destinazione Taranto
29 OCTOBER 2021
Italian Cruise Day 2021: Great results for destination Taranto
PORT OF TARANTO, 29 OCTOBER 2021 - Massive turnout in Savona for the 2021 edition of Italian Cruise Days. The event - conceived and promoted by Risposte Turismo - has represented, for many years now, the Home of Italian Cruise Ports and is a prestigious international showcase dedicated to promoting Italian cruise tourism, by organising meetings and discussions between the main players in the new landscape of cruise tourism in Italy.
Tornano i "Taranto Port Days": dall'1 al 4 ottobre il porto di Tarannto si apre alla città
08 OCTOBER 2021
"Port Days": Taranto Port-City says goodbye to the 2021 edition
PORT OF TARANTO, 08 OCTOBER 2021 - The 2021 edition of Taranto Port Days (TPD), an event organised by the Port System Authority of the Ionian Sea - Port of Taranto and part of the Italian Port Days promoted nationwide by Assoporti.
PORT OF TARANTO, 9/01/2025. The start of the new year marks an important step for the former “Belleli Yard”, a historic industrial area of the Port of Taranto. Last December, in fact, the procedure for awarding the works for the “Permanent safety measures, industrial reconversion, and economic and productive development of the ‘former Belleli Yard’ site in the Port of Taranto”, following the contracting measure was signed by the contracting authority, Sogesid S.p.A., for the net amount of EUR 135,312,133.51, financed from funds from the Apulia Region, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and on the own funds of the Port Authority.
PORT OF TARANTO, 24 DECEMBER 2024 - The Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea - Port of Taranto has launched a competitive call for the recruitment of a resource to be classified, full-time and with indefinite contract, as Technical Manager of the Authority. The figure will be called upon to guarantee the management, coordination, impulse and control activities of the “Engineering” Department.
PORT OF TARANTO, 05 NOVEMBER 2024 - The Management Committee of the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea, as a result of today's meeting, has unanimously expressed a favourable opinion on the application for a maritime state concession pursuant to Art. 36 of the Navigation Code by VESTAS BLADES ITALIA S.r.l. -UNIPERSONALE for the nine-year use of the facility named “Piastra Portuale di Taranto” (Taranto Port Platform).
PORT OF TARANTO, 29 OCTOBER 2024 - The Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea – Port of Taranto (PNAIS) announces the availability of maritime state-owned areas intended for the construction of solar energy production plants, both onshore and offshore.