The project consists in building two two-storey buildings in the areas behind the San Nicolicchio service dock in the Taranto commercial port, where people working in complementary port services, such as pilots, tugboat operators, boatmen, moorers and other people working in the port, can find suitable logistical support. The Port System Authority of the Ionian Sea (AdSPMI) has, on several occasions, met with the various stakeholders to define their logistical needs. In detail, the Port's Pilot Corps, Jonica Trasporti Marittimi srl & Marillimare srl and Rimorchiatori Napoletani srl have identified and formalised their logistical/functional needs with special notices sent to the Port Authority. The project proposal identified in the current final analysis responds, through modularity and flexibility, to the different needs reported by the operators.
Expected results
Increase levels of efficiency and quality of services offered. Improve the quality of the working environment of technical-nautical service operators.
Dettaglio interventi in materia di "Sostenibilità Ambientale"
Work progress