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TEN-T networks

The Port System Authority of the Ionian Sea considers the development of the local territory as one of its priorities, focusing on intermodality, compliance with EU regulations, and the development of the TEN-T network.

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The Port of Taranto is the final node of the rail/road terminal of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor (Helsinki/Malta) and a maritime node linking the corridor to Valletta.

The strategy is to create an integrated logistics system around the Port of Taranto based on a network of specialised facilities that effectively attract maritime traffic and promote the development of the local area.

The Authority's current strategic planning, outlined in the Three-Year Operational Plan 2020-2022, dedicates a specific strategic action to the "Enhancement of the role of the port of Taranto within the TEN-T network corridors" (see action no. 16 of the TOP).

Indeed, Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 on Union Guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) provides that, by 31 December 2023, the European Commission shall review the implementation of the core network, assessing, among other things, compliance with TEN-T provisions, progress in implementation, changes in passenger and freight transport flows, developments in national transport infrastructure investments and the need for changes.

In view of this timeframe, the AdSPMI intends to enhance the role of the Port of Taranto - the core port - within the Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor of the TEN-T networks, also in order to strategically highlight the nodes of the southern range and contribute, from a system perspective, to the corridor's activities by creating opportunities to promote the tangible integration of all the ports, nodes and infrastructures of the southern regions in order to jointly map out the path for renewed cooperation between the stakeholders of the Med area.

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