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News of 26 April 2024: TARANTO PORT DAYS 2024: the 4th edition of the open call for artists "Taranto: my port-city" kicks off to support the creativity of students from the Ionian capital's first and second grade schools.

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TARANTO PORT DAYS 2024: the 4th edition of the open call for artists "Taranto: my port-city" kicks off to support the creativity of students from the Ionian capital's first and second grade schools.

PORT OF TARANTO, 26 APRIL 2024 - Following the success of previous editions, once again this year the AdSP of the Ionian Sea will host the Taranto Port Days (TPD), scheduled for 11 and 12 October 2024, during which the port of Taranto will be enlivened by musical, cultural and sporting events that will help bring the area even closer to the Ionian port of call and support, with a single voice, the regeneration of the port-city binomial.

The initiative is part of theItalian Port Dayspromoted at a national level byAssoporti, the Association of Italian Ports, which, through the slogan “opening port life and culture to people", conducts a joint and coordinated promotion of ports and sea culture, in synergy between the national AdSPs.

The theme identified by Assoporti for the 2024 edition of the Taranto Port Days will be:inclusion with a special focus on disabilities(in line with UN Sustainable Development Goal no. 10), which will also be developed through the enhancement of issues such as equal opportunities and the reduction of inequalities.

In this context, the TPD 2024 organisational machine heats up its engines, starting the 4th edition of theCall for Artists - Taranto: “My port-city” aimed at opening up the port to the city of Taranto and, in particular, to the young and very young generations of students from the capital and the Ionian province. The call promotes an opportunity for cultural and creative maturation that aims to directly involve the students of Taranto and its province, making them protagonists of a path of knowledge and enhancement of the port of Taranto and, in general, of the cultural heritage related to the sea and port resources.

The call for entries targets primary and secondary schools in the city and province of Taranto and encourages the creation of a new identity based on the construction of an emotional relationship with Taranto port-city, through the visual, performing and media arts and, as a new feature this year, also through acting.

Any student can participate free of charge by sending the application form by schools, no later than 30 June 2024, by e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Works may be sent no later than 30 September 2024.

The award ceremony will take place in Taranto as part of the events connected to the Taranto Port Days 2024*.

*The official date of the award ceremony will be announced in accordance with the organisational requirements of TPD2024 being defined at the date of publication of this news

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