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In order to keep progressing the dialogue between the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea (PNAIS) and the whole business and logistic Community of the Port of Taranto, this Authority is making every effort to ensure the continuity of all port activities although everyone is aware that the unpredictable Covid-19 emergency has forced the global seafaring life to be as not as operational as it would be in a ‘normal’ situation.

The Port of Taranto remains operational and all activities are performed in compliance with all safety restrictions and measures adopted by the EU and the Italian Government. In the midst of this global crisis, a wide range of activities are mainly continuing remotely thus allowing the Authority to remain active and operational in order to guarantee key administrative and institutional functions.

The Authority's premises are closed to public meetings and staff members on site – whose number is reduced to a bare minimum - are invited to strictly follow the recommendations of national authorities in the field of health and safety (i.e. keep a one-meter distance from one another, wash their hands regularly, etc.).

Considering the exceptional and difficult period that the global maritime world is facing during this global state of alarm, the Port Network Authority, in addition to the measures taken to manage the crisis, is also striving to think resilient and keep working on the strategic priorities. To this aim, the PNAIS will continue to ensure its response to latest government measures on Coronavirus by working closely with the port cluster to provide guidance and support to all services and activities and address any issues relating to safety and security.

Furthermore, following the Government invitation to “stay home” during the emergency state, the PNAIS has set a brand-new social network campaign - kick-started on March 23rd – to liven up the port community spirit across its communication channels and social networks. The campaign – launched with the ‘call to action’ #Ilportoacasa - aims to bring the port of Taranto to its followers thus improving connectivity and strengthening port-city relations, especially during this special period of emergency. Social networks are now conceived as a virtual agora animated by pictures, memories and insights intertwining the story of the Port of Taranto and sharing information based on the promotion of the maritime culture.

Now more than ever we need to foster the joy of interacting by sharing knowledge and experiences with our port community!

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