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General information

LATITUDE: 40° 27’ N - LONGITUDE: 17° 12’ E
The Port of Taranto, on the north coast of the Gulf of Taranto, is a natural harbour embracing a wide sheltered bay, Mar Grande, and a smaller inlet, Mar Piccolo. The commercial port and industrial port are situated on the northwest shore of Mar Grande, with the most recent facilities – the container terminal and Pier 5 – just outside the western breakwater.

The port estate covers a total area of 3,408,560 square metres, of which 2,431,594 square metres is operational and 1,998,790 square metres on concession. The quays have a combined length of 9,995 metres, of which 1,310 metres is for common use and 8,685 metres on concession.
Year-round operations are possible at all berths thanks to the port’s natural protection and sea defence works, together with a negligible tidal range. Detailed information about each quay is shown in the table below.

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